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Welcome to the Summer Intensive Program of Ballet Technique hosted by Arts Ballet Theatre

of Florida. We hope you will enjoy this experience and take advantage of such a great program.

On the first day of the program, Monday, June 30th we will have an introductory meeting time ORIENTATION with parents and students explaining all regulations of the program and what to expect from each participant.  Please, parents, save the first part of the morning to attend that day. This Orientation will be both onsite and virtually.


There will be an introduction of the faculty and staff as well as all the students. The meeting will be followed by a ballet class. During this class some student will be reevaluated and move to another class or level if necessary. It could take a couple of classes to make a final decision.


The following are some guidelines for the students:

  • Placement of the students is at the sole discretion of the director Mr. Vladimir Issaev.

  • Limited number of students per class

  • Exceptional behavior and good manners are expected from students and parents as well.

  • Parents and other visitors will not be allowed to watch class.

  • All students must sign in and say “Good Morning” to the staff and teachers at their arrival to the Studios and make sure to let staff know that they are leaving.

  • Participants will come directly to the rooms through the outside doors and not through the reception area. Only those attending their first class in room 2 will be allowed to enter through the reception area.

  • Temperature will be measured before class.

  • Hand sanitizer will be given to the children before and after class

  • All students are expected to be dropped off and pick up by a designated parent or legal guardian by the doors.

  • It is absolutely prohibited for a minor to use the services of Uber, Lyft or taxis at any time. If using public transportation, a parent must sign a release authorization and indicate the public transportation to be used by the child, times and days.

  • All students must stand up as the teachers arrive into the classroom or common areas and salute the teachers with a bow. Do not remain sited on the floor when the teacher enters the room.

  • Classes/ Days are not to be missed. Tuition will not be waived for any missed classes.

  • All students are required to show respect to every teacher in every class. Any misbehavior will

be reported to the directors immediately.

  • Students are not allowed to interrupt the class for water or bathroom breaks or any other reason. It is not acceptable, unless is a major emergency.

  • All students must take all classes. If a student reports a serious injury, the student should go

home immediately. No students will be allowed to sit down during class. They must report to the front desk to have their parent or guardian called immediately. Student will be able to come back to the program ONLY with a written doctor’s assessment with FULL clearance. We will only accept clearance from her/his Primary Care Doctor or Pediatrician ONLY.

  • All students must wear the designated uniform at all times. Girls must wear hair in a bun for every class including Contemporary, Pilates, & Flamenco. No sweaters, warmers, shorts or any kind of layers will be allowed. Students must leave their belonging inside the studio at ther designated area and avoid the use of dressing room.

  • Black chiffon skirts are allowed for character classes only. Follow Student Dress Code

  • Students will not be allowed to leave Pilates mats/ PBT materials at the studio in order to keep maximum hygiene. All mats, blocks, etc, must be clearly marked with their name.

  • Students must make sure that all their belongings are clearly marked with their name to avoid

confusions. The school is not responsible for any item left behind by the student.

  • Participants will have a pre assigned area to place their belongings inside the studios

  • Girls wearing tapes, band‐aids etc, must make sure not to leave any used or unused wraps on

the floor. There are plenty of garbage cans in the studio. A fine of $25 will be imposed to the student leaving such kind of waste on the floor.


  • Participants must bring their own water bottle – The use of the water will be restricted only to replenish water bottles.

  • Only water is allowed inside the classroom in plastic bottles. No glass containers. No Gatorade, sodas or snacks are allowed inside the dressing rooms or ballet studios. No eating or drinking inside the dressing rooms is allowed.


  • No cellular phones, video or photo cameras, I‐pods, computers, or any electronic devices are allowed inside the studios or inside the school. No texting, or phone calls are allowed from 9 am to 4pm. Phones will be confiscated for the day if student uses their phone without authorization.

If a phone call is necessary, students can use the studio phones, and only in case of an emergency.


  • All students are expected to call their ballet and character teachers Madame. All other teachers

must be called Miss or Mr.... . Mr. Vladimir allows his students to call him Vladimir or Maestro.

  • Students must bow to their ballet teachers after each class and thank them for the class. Students must show also respect to the pianists and thank them also after the class.


  • More than ever and due to COVID-19, personal hygiene is a must! Dancers must wear clean tights and leotards every day and take daily showers before coming to class and after a long day of dancing. The use of deodorant is mandatory for every dancer including Vaganova 1. However, it is important to emphasize that the use of deodorant and perfumes without taking a shower or wearing dirty clothes produces a nasty smell. Every dancer is expected to show respect to their teachers and other students by keeping perfect hygiene. If you sweat a lot, please bring extra attire and change in the middle of the day.


  • The use of the bathrooms will be restricted. Disinfecting wipes will be provided to have everyone clean after the use of the bathroom. Please, do not flush pads, tampons or toilette paper in the toilettes. It will cause major clogs and problems that we are unable to fix immediately and will affect us all. Tampons and Pads are to be wrapped with toilette paper and not to be exposed. We expect every student to leave the

bathroom in the same conditions they found it. Do not forget to turn off the lights and close the

door of the bathrooms after use.


  • During class, teacher might physically manipulate the students during the classes in order to

teach better techniques. If do not agree with this, please, do not register your child in the

  • The faculty is very demanding and the students are expected to work very hard. This is not a

“Summer Camp” to have fun. This is a program to improve the serious ballet student’s skills to

their best of their abilities. There are only four weeks to reach the highest goals.


  • All students will be responsible for sewing their own ribbons and elastic onto ballet and pointe

shoes. Students may not wear jewelry, including watches or rings in class. Small earrings are


  • All individuals will abide by Florida law, federal law regarding intoxicants, narcotics, and drugs.


  • Any public displays of affection among students are inappropriate


  • Students are not to touch the belongings of others in the studios. There are several cameras recording every studio, warm up area, reception area, hallways at all times. Dressing rooms are open for the view of everyone.


  • All clothing must be neat. Holes and frayed edges must be mended. No underwear should show.


  • It is mandatory to attend every class and lecture given during the four weeks of the program.

Any absences should be noted 24 hours in advance. In case of a minor, notification must come

from parent or guardian.


  • Since this is a very intensive course, a student with recent injuries or recovering from a long

illness should carefully consider his or her readiness to attend this program. There will be NO REFUNDS for ANY REASON.  If an injury (see below) occurs funds for the 2021 program will be held under participant’s name – Nontransferable - for one year until the 2022 summer program ONLY.

Such refund will be granted for medical reasons only and must be accompanied by a written doctor’s assessment AFTER THE PROGRAM HAS STARTED. We will only accept clearance from her/his Primary Care Doctor or Pediatrician ONLY.


2025 Student Dress Code

All students are expected to dress in a manner that is respectful and tasteful at all times. Absolutely no offensive or inappropriate clothing will be allowed. Dance attire is to be worn at the studios and at home if taking online classes. For those attending onsite classes students are expected arrive covering themselves with appropriate apparel, shorts, pants, t-shirt/jacket. Discretion is left to Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida faculty as to what clothing is appropriate.
A mask is required to come in and leave the studio. CDC recommends not to wear the mask during exercises and dancing, however, this is optional to each student. There will be a 6 feet distancing required between students.

Dance Dress Code is as follows:

Ballet Technique Class – FOR ALL LEVELS:

Black leotard, pink tights (transition tights), and pink canvas ballet shoes with ribbons.

Pointe and Pas de Deux* ( *only Advanced level): Same as above, pointe shoes.

White practice tutu:

Vaganova 2 and 3: Balletwear* Ombre Tutu (blue) –
Vaganova 4 and up If you already have a Sansha DF005 (small or medium adult) you can wear it.

No black tutus, please.

For Ballewear Tutus contact and place your order directly from them. Please, specify your level so they can give you the right amount of layers and model.


Black leotard, pink tights (transition tights), The Performance Shock
Crew Support Socks Color NUDE 2

For Contemporary, stretching and Body alignment classes:

A Yoga mat, a Yoga Block and a theraband will be required for each dancer.

Hair must be in a bun at all times and for all classes.

Character: Black short Chiffon Skirt ( wrap ) same as for pointe class,

Black Character shoes:
Adult sizes: Sansha Diva TE 1 Leather (Black)
Children: Sansha , Mazurka CS1

Flamenco: Black Flamenco Skirt, Black Flamenco shoes, Black Leotard, Pink Tights, a Spanish fan.
Recommended shoes: Sansha- Sevilla FL 1

For Performance:

Please be aware that for performance day you might be asked to wear a different colored leotard with a matching chiffon skirt.
These items can be available at the store if previously pre-ordered.

Dance Dress Code is as follows:


Ballet Technique, Variations, and Pas de Deux:
White tank, Gray tights to the ankle, white socks, white shoes


Same as above, The Performance Shock Crew Support Socks Color NUDE 2

For Contemporary, stretching and Body alignment classes:

A Yoga mat, a Yoga Block and a theraband will be required for each dancer.

Character and Flamenco: Same as above, Character shoes

For Performance: Please be aware that for performance day you might be asked to wear a Black or White men’s leotard or tank, black tights, white socks, and white ballet shoes.

All students are required to wear appropriate attire to classes and will not be allowed to participate in class if repeatedly violated.

Please remember that each and every student MUST sign in at the Sign-In Sheet on the front desk, every day. This is extremely important, as it helps us maintain a safe environment for both students and staff members.

As mentioned before, it is mandatory to attend ever class and lecture given during the four weeks of the program. Any absences must be noted 24 hours in advance. In the case of a minor, notification must come from the parent or guardian.

Thank you!

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Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida receives the support of the Department of Cultural Affairs of Miami-Dade County, Broward Cultural Division and Florida Arts & Culture, Funding Arts Broward, Citizens Interested in Arts, and The Children’s Trust

At Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida, diversity and inclusion are part of who we are. Together, we continue to build an inclusive environment that encourages, supports and celebrates the passion for dance, the diversity of our dancers, staff, board and employees with enthusiasm. It fulfills our mission and it inspires us to joyfully connect with our audiences, patrons and communities we serve.


Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida does not discriminate on the basis of any race, color, gender, marital status, age, sexual orientation, disability, religious preference and national or ethnic origin.

15939 Biscayne Boulevard

North Miami Beach, FL 33160

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Telephone  305 947 3998 


 Design by @uniquedecodesigns. Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida © 2018

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