Experience the enchantment of the holiday season as Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida presents the beloved classic ballet, "The Nutcracker." Immerse yourself in a world of snowflakes, sugarplums, and magical dolls in this captivating production, set to the iconic score by Tchaikovsky, inspired by the tale of Ernst Hoffmann.
Choreographed and directed by awarded Ballet Master Vladimir Issaev, this critically acclaimed performance is a true masterpiece. Witness the extraordinary talent of Arts Ballet Theatre's own ballet stars as they bring the principal roles to life with grace and precision while featuring a community cast, including local character artists and children, adding an authentic touch to the performance.
The Nutcracker is not only a holiday tradition but also serves as a perfect introduction to the art of ballet for young audiences, igniting a lifelong love for dance.
The Nutcracker is the ballet that captures hearts around the world during this magical time of year.