Georgia Brinkman came to us from The Gelsey Kirkland Studio Company in Brooklyn, New York. She performed many of Lenoid Yacobson’s pieces including A Village Don Juan and Wedding Procession, coached by Mr. Yacobson’s former pupils Vera Solovieva and Nikolay Levitsky. Ms. Brinkman worked under Gelsey Kirkland and Ludmilla Polonskaya with a repertoire consisting of Paquita, Faust, Cavalry Halt, La Vivandere, and Harlequinade. She began her ballet training at the Ballet Austin Academy, studying with Lynn Short and Jennifer Heart. She moved to New York at the age of 15 and joined the Ellison Ballet Professional Training Program before studying under Gelsey Kirkland in 2015.
Profesional Division
Character Dancers
Denis Osipov
Danil Osipov
Jorge Arcila
Roberto Rodriguez
Junior Corps
Daniel Panameño